Now Burning
Now Burning is a group show featuring incense and burners made by over thirty artists from the United States and Canada. Artist-made Incense will be burned in each artist-made burner over the course of the exhibition. Invoking the pragmatic and mystical properties of scented smoke, the exhibition will ceremoniously cleanse the space of previous occupants’ residue. This non-visual announcement will cultivate a meditative, mildly psychoactive atmosphere and prepare the ground for subsequent exhibitions.
Hayley Barker (Los Angeles, CA) Mike Bray (Eugene, OR) Ryan Burghard (Portland, OR) Sara Clendening (Los Angeles, CA) Bruce Conkle (Portland, OR) Brooks Dierdorff (Orlando, FL) Matthew Clifford Green (Los Angeles, CA) Tannaz Farsi (Eugene, OR) James Herman (Los Angeles, CA) Elisabeth Horan (Portland, OR) Courtney Kemp (Portland, OR) Christina Kenton (Vancouver, BC) Kylie Lockwood (Detroit, MI) Jeffry Mitchell (Seattle, WA) Donald Morgan (Eugene, OR) Dylan Neuwirth (Seattle, WA) Nicholas Nyland (Tacoma, WA) Virginia Overton (New York, NY) Laura Piasta (Vancouver, BC) Ralph Pugay (Portland, OR) Wendy Red Star (Portland, OR) Lydia Rosenberg (Philadelphia, PA) Jack Ryan (Eugene, OR) Anna Sew Hoy (Los Angeles, CA) Brendan Shea (Portland, ME) Dave Siebert (Philadelphia, PA) Rob Smith (New York, NY) Jesse Sugarmann (Bakersfield, CA) Gabriel Temme (Portland, OR) Audra Wolowiec (New York, NY) Elizabeth Zvonar (Vancouver, BC)
Additional Information and more images can be found here.